Reusability, maintainability, and portability are the attributes of good software. These attributes provide the best customer experience and ease the workflow of developers. On the other hand, software complexity is a major concern for developers and even for businesses. Software re-engineering plays a major role in mitigating the risk involved in software complexity. It not only ramps up the software performance but also reduces the cost significantly. Well-Structured software is like a well-arranged bookshelf. It is easy to add more books if a bookshelf is in order. Similarly, structured software reduces the complexity and risk when a new feature has to be added.

Innvocore has immense experience in software re-engineering, we help organizations to attain their business goals. We keep the core functionalities of the legacy software intact, optimize the performance and strengthen newly required functionalities. We follow to the industry best practices of coding standards, design guidelines, and project management to provide the best software re-engineering solution.
Benefits of Software Reengineering Process for Business
At a certain stage, the organization is faced with the choice of creating a new system from scratch or upgrading an existing one. In most cases, it is software reengineering process that will be the right choice, as it provides a number of significant advantages:
- Productivity increase: By optimizing the code and database so that processing gets faster.
- Improvement opportunity: Not only refine the existing product, but also expand its capabilities by adding new features.
- Time saving: Instead of starting development from scratch, the existing solution is simply transferred to a new platform, business-logic remains unchanged.
- Optimization: You can refine the system functionality and increase its flexibility, ensuring better compliance with the enterprise’s current objectives.
- Processes continuity: The functionality of older software product can be still used while the testing or development of software.